Guest Post, “New Novel! Chizawa Bay”

Nagoya Players is thrilled to announce a new novel by our Creative Director Shawn Mahler, Chizawa Bay, As Ugly As I Am.

The novel is a humorous collection of stories involving the fisherfolk and farmers from the small, fictional, seaside community of Chizawa. All these stories come together to paint a messy but beautiful portrait of life in rural Japan.

Shawn has spent the past 15 years traveling Japan, collecting these various tales and interviewing hundreds of quirky and intriguing people. He has turned several of these adventures into short movies, plays, and now a novel.

It’s a fast and fun read. There is a lot of clever wordplay and the characters reveal intriguing details about the inner feelings and thoughts held within Japanese society. It’s a great read for fans of Japanese culture, philosophy and psychology.

Chizawa Bay is available now for pre-order on, in both ebook and paperback.

Please join us in congratulating Shawn on his debut novel!

— Nagoya Players